Teach Tearmainn named as Intel Ireland 2025 Signature Charity

Six people stand in front of a large HOPE sign covered in colorful paper butterflies. Two hold signs reading Intel and Teach Tearmainn. They are standing on a paved surface with trees and a brick wall in the background.

Intel Ireland announces a charitable partnership with Kildare based charity Teach Tearmainn

At the core of Intel Ireland is a passion for volunteering, community involvement and the environment. We are committed to making a positive impact throughout our local communities and supporting the work of charitable organisations.

Every year we select a charity for our employees to dedicate their combined efforts towards. Throughout the year our employees will provide volunteer time and funds, raised through specially organised activities, to a chosen charity.

For 2025, we have selected Teach Tearmainn as our signature charity.

Teach Tearmainn is a non-profit organisation serving women and children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Teach Tearmainn (meaning House of Refuge) was stablished in 1999. Along with their purpose-built refuge, Teach Tearmainn have a dedicated Outreach Centre located in Naas.

Teach Tearmainn will benefit from Intel’s unique initiative, the Matching Grant Program, which motivates employees to engage in volunteerism by providing cash grants to the organisations where the employees volunteer their time. For every volunteer hour that is contributed to our signature charities, a ‘match’ (donation) of $10 will be paid to the charity by the Intel Foundation. As well as this the organisation will receive the benefit of another unique program, the ‘Matched Donation’ where the Intel Foundation match direct donations by employees to the organisation.

Through the charity partnership in 2025, Intel Ireland are aiming to raise enough to funds to go towards the expansion of refuge and outreach services in Kildare.

About Teach Tearmainn

Teach Tearmainn is a non-profit organization serving women and children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Teach Tearmainn (meaning House of Refuge) was stablished in 1999. Along with their purpose-built refuge, Teach Tearmainn have a dedicated Outreach Centre located in Naas.

In 2024, Teach Tearmainn supported 692 women and 123 children through their services

Teach Tearmainn have 4 self-contained refuge units which accommodate 4 families who are fleeing their homes as a result of domestic violence and abuse. Teach Tearmainn’s refuge provides safe emergency accommodation for women with or without children. We also have 2 Safe Homes in the community.

The Support & Outreach service offers a community-based support that enables women experiencing domestic abuse to access the necessary supports required to remain safely in their own home. This service also offers an ongoing support service to women post-refuge who return home or relocate elsewhere.

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Media contact: Ruth Marie Callinan | + 353 1 606 1376

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