
A person in a white lab coat stands in a bright, sterile laboratory with rows of tall, white equipment lining both sides of the aisle. They are looking at a screen, and the floor is shiny and reflective.

Engineers work in the Intel assembly and packaging facilities in Penang, Malaysia, in August 2023. (Credit: Intel Corporation)


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2025年3月6日—英特爾今日推出英特爾供應鏈保證(Intel® Assured Supply Chain,以下簡稱ASC)計畫,目的為提升晶片製造流程的透明度與可信度。此款專屬的客戶系統單晶片(SoC)解決方案,將率先應用於特定的Intel® Core™ Ultra筆記型和桌上型電腦(系列2),透過提供特定的製造地點與可數位驗證的製造過程,讓每顆晶片的供應流程可供回溯。藉由ASC計畫,英特爾提高了處理器製造的透明度,確保客戶掌握其晶片供應鏈的具體位置。

英特爾客戶端運算事業群商業客戶部總經理Jennifer Larson表示:「英特爾在半導體製造領域一直以安全、透明以及可信賴著稱,英特爾供應鏈保證計畫更是進一步深化客戶對於英特爾支援關鍵營運技術的信任。」



如何運作:Intel ASC將應用於特定的Intel Core Ultra商用筆記型和桌上型電腦(系列2),預計今年下半年開始生產及出貨。客戶可以根據處理器序號確認其是否屬於Intel ASC。搭載Intel ASC SoC的處理器將於序號結尾加上字母「A」,並可透過業界標準工具檢視ASC SKU對應的生產國家清單。


Flowchart illustrating Intel Assured Supply Chain process: stages include Fab, Die Prep/Sort, ATM, Warehouse, leading to Intel Core Ultra and Intel vPro. Arrows indicate Predetermined Location Manufacture Flow and Customer Attestation. Blue background.


Intel ASC是強大的Intel Core Ultra商用處理器(系列2)產品組合的最新成員,為全球企業提供無與倫比的運算效能、管理能力和安全性。

透過英特爾的商業服務和技術,企業無需在裝置效能、管理和安全性上有所妥協。除了Intel Core Ultra商用處理器產品系列外,英特爾更推出了全新Intel vPro® Fleet Services和Intel® Endpoint Cloud Services,幫助企業簡化管理,並在服務中斷時更快速地恢復運作2。此外,英特爾更是全球唯一通過MITRE ATT&CK全球安全標準框架驗證的晶片公司3

搭載Intel Core Ultra處理器(系列2)並採用英特爾供應鏈保證計畫的系統,將於今年下半年上市。若欲了解更多關於英特爾商用硬體、管理能力和安全解決方案的資訊,歡迎訪問Intel for Business  

更多背景資訊: Intel at MWC 2025 (新聞資料包)

The Small Print

1 ABI Research white paper “Embracing Security as a Core Component of the Tech You Buy” was independently conducted by ABI Research and sponsored by Intel, published February 2024.

2 All versions of the Intel vPro® platform require an eligible Intel processor, a supported operating system, Intel LAN and/or WLAN silicon, firmware enhancements, and other hardware and   software necessary to deliver the manageability use cases, security features, system performance and stability that define the platform. See intel.com/performance-vpro for details.  Remote management requires a network connection; must be a known network for Wi-Fi out-of-band management. Results may vary.

3 As of December 2024, based on MITRE data report and blog https://community.intel.com/t5/Blogs/Tech-Innovation/Artificial-Intelligence-AI/Intel-AI-PCs-Deliver-an-Industry-Validated-Defense-vs-Real-World/post/1649007.  See www.intel.com/performance-vpro for details.  Results may vary.

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