
An intel manufacturing employee displays a test system-on-chip built on a glass substrate at an Intel fab in Chandler, Arizona, in December 2023. In February 2024, Intel Corporation launched Intel Foundry as the world’s first systems foundry for the AI era, delivering leadership in technology, resiliency and sustainability. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
- 英特尔首推面向AI时代的系统级代工——英特尔代工(Intel Foundry),在技术、韧性和可持续性方面均处于领先地位。
- 英特尔代工宣布最新制程路线图,包括Intel 14A制程技术、专业节点的演化版本,及全新的英特尔代工先进系统封装及测试(Intel Foundry Advanced System Assembly and Test)能力,以助力客户在AI领域取得成功。
- 英特尔代工宣布新的客户:微软首席执行官Satya Nadella表示,微软设计的一款芯片计划采用Intel 18A制程节点生产。
- Synopsys、Cadence、Siemens和Ansys等生态系统合作伙伴宣布其验证工具、设计流程和IP组合已准备好支持英特尔代工客户的设计。
今日,英特尔宣布推出为AI时代打造、更具可持续性的系统级代工——英特尔代工(Intel Foundry),并拓展其路线图,以在接下来的几年内确立并巩固制程技术领先性。英特尔还强调了其代工客户的增长势头及生态系统合作伙伴的更多支持。Synopsys、Cadence、Siemens和Ansys等生态系统合作伙伴,均确认其工具、设计流程和IP组合已完成针对英特尔先进封装和Intel 18A制程技术的验证,将加速英特尔代工客户的芯片设计。
英特尔拓展了制程技术路线图,新增了Intel 14A和数个专业节点的演化版本。英特尔还证实,其“四年五个制程节点”路线图仍在稳步推进,并将在业内率先提供背面供电解决方案。英特尔预计将于2025年通过Intel 18A制程节点重获制程领先性。
更多: 英特尔 Foundry Direct Connect (新闻资料包)
英特尔全新的制程路线图包括了Intel 3、Intel 18A和Intel 14A技术的演化版本,如Intel 3-T就通过硅通孔技术针对3D先进封装设计进行了优化,很快将生产准备就绪。英特尔还重点介绍了其在成熟制程节点上的进展,如今年1月份宣布与UMC联合开发的全新12纳米节点。英特尔代工计划每两年推出一个新节点,并一路推出节点的演化版本,通过英特尔领先的制程技术帮助客户不断改进产品。
此外,英特尔代工还宣布将FCBGA 2D+ 纳入英特尔代工先进系统封装及测试(Intel Foundry ASAT)的技术组合之中。这一组合将包括FCBGA 2D、FCBGA 2D+、EMIB、Foveros和Foveros Direct技术。
客户里程碑:微软成为Intel 18A新客户
英特尔的客户表示了对英特尔系统级代工的支持。微软董事长兼首席执行官Satya Nadella在Intel Foundry Direct Connect大会发言中宣布,微软计划采用Intel 18A制程节点生产其设计的一款芯片。
Satya Nadella表示:“我们正处在一个非常激动人心的平台转换过程中,这将从根本上改变每个企业和整个行业的生产力。为了实现这一愿景,我们需要先进、高性能和高质量半导体的可靠供应。这就是为什么微软对和英特尔代工合作感到兴奋,计划采用Intel 18A制程节点生产一款我们设计的芯片。”
英特尔代工在各代制程节点(包括Intel 18A、Intel 16和Intel 3)及Intel Foundry ASAT(包括先进封装)上均已拥有大量客户设计案例。
总体而言,在晶圆制造和先进封装领域,英特尔代工的预期交易价值(lifetime deal value)超过150亿美元。
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IP(知识产权)和EDA(电子设计自动化)合作伙伴Synopsys、Cadence、Siemens、Ansys、Lorentz和Keysight表示,工具和IP已准备就绪,可帮助代工客户加速基于业界首推背面供电方案的Intel 18A制程节点的先进芯片设计。此外,这些合作伙伴还确认,其EDA和IP已在英特尔各制程节点上启用。
同时,针对英特尔EMIB 2.5D封装技术,几家供应商还宣布计划合作开发组装技术和设计流程。这些EDA解决方案将确保英特尔能够更快地为客户开发、交付先进封装解决方案。
英特尔还公布了“新兴企业支持计划”(Emerging Business Initiative),将与Arm合作,为基于Arm架构的系统级芯片(SoCs)提供先进的代工服务。这一计划支持初创企业开发基于Arm架构的技术,并提供必要IP、制造支持和资金援助,为Arm和英特尔提供了促进创新和发展的重要机会。
英特尔代工高级副总裁Stuart Pann表示:“英特尔提供业界领先的代工服务,并通过有韧性、更可持续和安全的供应源完成交付。这与公司强大的芯片系统能力相辅相成。这些优势结合起来,让英特尔能够满足客户的各项需求。即使是那些要求最为苛刻的应用,英特尔代工也能帮助客户顺利开发和交付解决方案。”
在可持续性方面,英特尔的目标同样是成为代工业界佼佼者。2023年,据初步估算,英特尔全球各地的工厂的可再生电力使用率达到了99%。在Intel Foundry Direct Connect大会上,英特尔重申了其承诺,即在2030年达成100%使用可再生电力,水资源正效益和零垃圾填埋。此外,英特尔还再次强调了其在2040年实现范围1和范围2温室气体(GHG)净零排放,2050年实现范围3温室气体净零上游排放的承诺。
This release contains forward-looking statements, including with respect to Intel’s:
- business plans and strategy;
- current and future technologies, including future process nodes and transistor, manufacturing, and packaging technologies;
- process and product roadmaps and schedules (including expected goals, timelines, ramps, progress, availability, and production);
- future product architectures;
- expectations regarding process performance, PPA gains, and other performance metrics;
- expectations regarding product and process leadership;
- plans and goals with respect to our foundry business, including with respect to anticipated customers, expected lifetime deal value, future manufacturing capacity, service, technology and IP offerings, third-party collaborations, ecosystem support and resilience;
- AI strategy and capabilities;
- future social and environmental performance goals, measures, strategies, and results;
- anticipated growth, future market share, and trends in our businesses and operations;
- projected growth and trends in markets relevant to our businesses; and
- other characterizations of future events or circumstances.
Such statements involve many risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied, including those associated with:
- the high level of competition and rapid technological change in our industry;
- the significant long-term and inherently risky investments we are making in R&D and manufacturing facilities that may not realize a favorable return;
- the complexities and uncertainties in developing and implementing new semiconductor products and manufacturing process technologies;
- our ability to time and scale our capital investments appropriately and successfully secure favorable alternative financing arrangements and government grants;
- implementing new business strategies and investing in new businesses and technologies;
- changes in demand for our products;
- macroeconomic conditions and geopolitical tensions and conflicts;
- the evolving market for products with AI capabilities;
- our complex global supply chain, including from disruptions, delays, trade tensions and conflicts, or shortages;
- product defects, errata, and other product issues, particularly as we develop next-generation products and implement next-generation manufacturing process technologies;
- potential security vulnerabilities in our products; increasing and evolving cybersecurity threats and privacy risks;
- IP risks including related litigation and regulatory proceedings;
- the need to attract, retain, and motivate key talent;
- strategic transactions and investments;
- sales-related risks, including customer concentration and the use of distributors and other third parties;
- our significantly reduced return of capital in recent years;
- our debt obligations and our ability to access sources of capital;
- complex and evolving laws and regulations across many jurisdictions;
- fluctuations in currency exchange rates;
- changes in our effective tax rate;
- catastrophic events;
- environmental, health, safety, and product regulations;
- our initiatives and new legal requirements with respect to corporate responsibility matters; and
- other risks and uncertainties described in this release, our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and our other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
All information in this press release reflects Intel management views as of the date hereof unless an earlier date is specified. Intel does not undertake, and expressly disclaims any duty, to update such statements, whether as a result of new information, new developments, or otherwise, except to the extent that disclosure may be required by law.