加速實現AI無所不在 英特爾以新Xeon 6、Gaudi加速器和Lunar Lake架構重新定義運算、效能和經濟效益,強化AI PC領導地位

At Computex Taiwan, Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger discusses the vast opportunities ahead and the Intel innovation that’s bringing AI everywhere. During the event in June 2024, Intel unveiled cutting-edge technologies and architectures poised to accelerate the artificial intelligence ecosystem. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
- 推出Intel® Xeon® 6處理器:內建效率核心(E-core),針對資料中心的高密度、規模化工作負載進行最佳化,大幅提升效能與能源效率。Intel® Xeon® 6處理器讓機櫃密度提升三倍,機櫃級效能最高提升4.2倍,每瓦效能最高提升2.6倍1,滿足資料中心對效能和能耗的嚴苛要求。
- 公布Intel® Gaudi® 2和Intel® Gaudi® 3 AI加速器套件定價:Intel® Gaudi®系列加速器不僅具備高效能,且成本低於其他平台的三分之一2。此外,將Xeon處理器與Gaudi AI加速器整合於單一系統,可提供更快速、更實惠且更普及的AI解決方案。
- 為持續拓展AI PC產品領域,新一代AI PC採用x86架構突破性的能耗表現,為客戶提供廣大的應用相容性,同時大幅提升功耗效率。相較前一代產品,新世代Lunar Lake客戶端處理器架構的系統單晶片(SoC)可降低功耗最高達40%。
英特爾執行長Pat Gelsinger(基辛格)表示:「AI正引領業界邁入最具影響力的創新時代。晶片將再次帶動運算技術快速發展,不僅突破人類潛能,更將在未來數年驅動全球經濟成長。」
Pat Gelsinger進一步表示:「英特爾是全球少數能夠全面掌握AI市場契機,並持續推動創新的企業之一。從半導體製造到PC、網路、邊緣運算和資料中心等領域,英特爾都有全面佈局。最新推出的Xeon、Gaudi和Core Ultra平台,結合英特爾強大的硬體和軟體生態系,可提供靈活、安全、永續且具成本效益的解決方案,協助合作夥伴搶攻未來龐大的商機。」
在COMPUTEX主題演講中,Pat Gelsinger強調開放標準和英特爾強大的生態系是加速實現AI應用的關鍵驅動力,此一觀點獲得宏碁董事長暨執行長陳俊聖、華碩董事長施崇棠、微軟董事長暨執行長Satya Nadella以及英業達總經理蔡枝安等人的共同支持。
過去六個月內,英特爾取得一系列重大突破。從公布第5代Intel® Xeon®處理器上市到推出Xeon 6系列首款產品、預告Gaudi AI加速器到提供企業客戶高效且具成本效益的生成式AI訓練及推理系統。英特爾也宣布目前已有超過800萬台裝置搭載Intel® Core™ Ultra處理器,顯示AI PC時代已然來臨。
現代化資料中心的AI應用:Intel Xeon 6處理器為高密度、規模化工作負載帶來卓越效能與能源效率
英特爾專為因應現代化資料中心的挑戰而設計的Xeon 6平台和處理器家族,提供E-core和P-core兩種規格,可處理包含AI、高效能運算需求以及可擴充的雲端原生應用等廣泛應用情境和工作負載。E-core和P-core建立於相容架構上,不僅可共享軟體堆疊,還受益於開放的軟硬體供應商生態系統支援。
首款發布的Xeon 6處理器為Intel Xeon 6 E-core處理器(代號Sierra Forest),Xeon 6 P-core處理器(代號Granite Rapids)則預計於下一季度推出。
Intel Xeon 6 E-core處理器擁有高核心密度和卓越的每瓦效能,不僅可提供高效能運算,還可大幅降低能源成本。此款處理器在效能和能源效率方面的最佳化設計,可適用於雲端原生應用、內容傳遞網路、微服務架構和消費者數位服務等高密度、規模化工作負載環境中。
Intel Xeon 6 E-core處理器還具備高密度優勢,採用E-core的Xeon 6處理器讓機櫃密度提升三倍。與第二代Intel® Xeon®處理器在媒體轉碼工作負載的表現相比3,Intel Xeon 6 E-core處理器機櫃級效能提升4.2倍,每瓦效能提升2.6倍。藉由降低功耗、擴大機櫃使用空間等特點,Xeon 6處理器可為創新AI應用提供更強大的運算力和更高效的基礎架構。
Intel Gaudi AI加速器提供高效能生成式AI,大幅降低總體擁有成本
Intel Xeon處理器是AI工作負載中CPU節點的絕佳選擇。Intel Xeon處理器與專為AI工作負載設計的Intel Gaudi AI加速器可協同運作,提供與現有IT基礎架構無縫整合的解決方案。
Intel Gaudi架構作為唯一通過MLPerf基準測試的Nvidia H100替代方案,可提供客戶生成式AI所需的卓越效能。相較於其他選擇,Intel Gaudi不僅性價比更具優勢,還能以更低的總體擁有成本(TCO),實現更快速布署。
在定價方面,英特爾提供極具競爭力的方案。一套包含八個Intel Gaudi 2加速器和一個通用基板(Universal Baseboard,UBB)的標準AI套件,售價為65,000美元,約為同級平台的三分之一。更高階的AI套件包含八個Intel Gaudi 3加速器和一個UBB的套件,售價為125,000美元,約同級平台的三分之二4。
Intel Gaudi 3加速器可大幅提升生成式AI模型的訓練和推理效能,協助企業充分發揮專屬資料的潛在價值。根據預估,在8,192組加速器的叢集環境中,Intel Gaudi 3可比同等規模的Nvidia H100 GPU叢集縮短40%模型訓練時間5;在64組加速器叢集中,Intel Gaudi 3在Llama2-70B模型上的訓練速度,預計可比Nvidia H100快15%6。此外,Intel Gaudi 3在運行Llama-70B和Mistral-7B等大型語言模型(LLM)時,推理性能平均較Nvidia H100提高2倍7。
Intel Gaudi 3已推出至市場,除了已與戴爾、慧與科技、聯想和美超微合作外,今日更宣布與華碩、鴻海、技嘉科技、英業達、廣達電腦和緯創展開合作,擴大產品線布局。
AI個人電腦正為全方位運算體驗帶來革命性轉變,位於AI PC創新時代前端的英特爾,其優勢不僅在於提供更快處理速度與更流暢設計的軟硬體解決方案,更著眼於打造可即時學習、進化的終端裝置。這些智慧型裝置可預測使用者需求,並根據其偏好不斷調適,開創一個兼具生產力、效率和創造力的嶄新時代。
根據預測,2028年搭載AI功能的PC將佔所有PC數量約80%。英特爾深刻洞察此趨勢,已著手打造最佳化AI PC軟硬體平台。英特爾以Core Ultra平台為基礎,與100家以上獨立軟體供應商(ISV)緊密合作,共同打造300項AI加速功能和500種AI模型。
基於上述優勢,英特爾在2024年COMPUTEX大會中公布了Lunar Lake處理器架構細節。Lunar Lake作為新世代AI PC的旗艦處理器,不只在繪圖與AI處理方面都有顯著提升,在輕薄型產品的高效能運算方面也有卓越表現,此款處理器可降低系統單晶片功耗高達40%3,並提供3倍以上AI運算能力8。Lunar Lake處理器預計將於2024年第三季度開始出貨。
Lunar Lake全新架構將提供以下功能:
- 新的P-core和E-core:可大幅提升效能和能源效率。
- 第4代英特爾NPU:提供高達48 TOPS的AI運算效能,Lunar Lake NPU較上一代的運算能力提升4倍,可最佳化生成式AI使用體驗。
- 全新GPU架構(代號Battlemage):融合了Xe2 GPU核心和Xe Matrix Extension(XMX)陣列兩項創新技術。Xe2 GPU核心可提升遊戲和繪圖性能1.5倍,新的XMX陣列則作為第二個AI加速器,提供高達67 TOPS運算效能,以因應AI內容創作所需的龐大吞吐量(Throughput)。
- 先進的低功耗島(Low Power Island):專為處理背景作業和生產力任務設計的全新運算叢集,具備極高能源效率,可有效延長筆記型電腦的電池續航力。
在其他公司正準備進軍AI個人電腦市場之際,英特爾已經搶得先機大量出貨。英特爾2024年第一季度交付的AI個人電腦處理器數量,已超過所有競爭對手的總出貨量。即將推出的Lunar Lake處理器,將為來自20家OEM廠商、超過80款不同型號的AI個人電腦提供強大運算效能。英特爾也預計在今年出貨超過4,000萬個Core Ultra處理器,進一步鞏固其在AI PC領域的領先地位。
正如英特爾共同創辦人之一Gordon Moore(高登·摩爾)所言:「所有已完成的事都能夠被超越」。英特爾始終堅持不懈追求更卓越的境界。憑藉涵蓋客戶端、邊緣、資料中心和雲端的全球布署,以及建立在開放標準基礎上的強大生態系統、具經濟效益的解決方案,致力落實AI無所不在的願景、積極擘畫AI未來發展藍圖。今日宣布的重大進展,不僅代表英特爾的技術躍進,更是對所有客戶和合作夥伴的誠摯邀請,共同掌握這波前所未有的商機,攜手開創下一個創新時代。
Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including with respect to Intel’s product roadmap and anticipated product sales and competitiveness and projected growth and trends in markets relevant to Intel’s business. Such statements involve many risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied, including those associated with:
- the high level of competition and rapid technological change in our industry;
- the significant long-term and inherently risky investments we are making in R&D and manufacturing facilities that may not realize a favorable return;
- the complexities and uncertainties in developing and implementing new semiconductor products and manufacturing process technologies;
- our ability to time and scale our capital investments appropriately and successfully secure favorable alternative financing arrangements and government grants;
- implementing new business strategies and investing in new businesses and technologies;
- changes in demand for our products;
- macroeconomic conditions and geopolitical tensions and conflicts, including geopolitical and trade tensions between the US and China, the impacts of Russia's war on Ukraine, tensions and conflict affecting Israel and the Middle East, and rising tensions between mainland China and Taiwan;
- the evolving market for products with AI capabilities;
- our complex global supply chain, including from disruptions, delays, trade tensions and conflicts, or shortages;
- product defects, errata and other product issues, particularly as we develop next generation products and implement next-generation manufacturing process technologies;
- potential security vulnerabilities in our products;
- increasing and evolving cybersecurity threats and privacy risks;
- IP risks including related litigation and regulatory proceedings;
- the need to attract, retain, and motivate key talent;
- strategic transactions and investments;
- sales-related risks, including customer concentration and the use of distributors and other third parties;
- our significantly reduced return of capital in recent years;
- our debt obligations and our ability to access sources of capital;
- complex and evolving laws and regulations across many jurisdictions;
- fluctuations in currency exchange rates;
- changes in our effective tax rate;
- catastrophic events;
- environmental, health, safety, and product regulations;
- our initiatives and new legal requirements with respect to corporate responsibility matters; and
- other risks and uncertainties described in this release, our 2023 Form 10-K, and our other filings with the SEC.
Given these risks and uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Readers are urged to carefully review and consider the various disclosures made in this release and in other documents we file from time to time with the SEC that disclose risks and uncertainties that may affect our business.
Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the forward-looking statements in this release are based on management's expectations as of the date of this release, unless an earlier date is specified, including expectations based on third-party information and projections that management believes to be reputable. We do not undertake, and expressly disclaim any duty, to update such statements, whether as a result of new information, new developments, or otherwise, except to the extent that disclosure may be required by law.
AI runs best on Intel across the compute continuum from the data center, cloud and network to the edge and PC as of May 2024, based on broad compatibility, extensive software options, unique architecture, and impressive performance of Intel offerings, which combine to deliver the best overall AI experience, including in comparison to competitive offerings. See intel.com/performanceindex for details. Results may vary.
1 See [7T1] at intel.com/processorclaims: Intel® Xeon® 6. Results may vary.
2 Pricing estimates based on publicly available information and Intel internal analysis.
3 Disclaimer for footnote: Power measurements are based on Lunar Lake reference platform using YouTube 4K 30fps AV1. See backup for details. Results may vary.
4 Pricing guidance for cards and systems is for modeling purposes only. Please consult your original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of choice for final pricing. Results may vary based upon volumes and lead times.
5 Source for Nvidia H100 GPT 3 performance: https://mlcommons.org/benchmarks/training/, v3.1, closed division round. Accessed April 30, 2024
Intel Gaudi 3 measurements and projections by Habana Labs, April 2024; Results may vary
Intel Gaudi 3 performance projections are not verified by MLCommons Association. The MLPerf name and logo are registered and unregistered trademarks of MLCommons Association in the United States and other countries. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use strictly prohibited. See http://www.mlcommons.org/ for more information.
6 Source for Nvidia H100 LLAMA2-70B performance https://developer.nvidia.com/deep-learning-performance-training-inference/training , April 29,2024, “Large Language Model” tab.
Intel Gaudi 3 measurements and projections by Habana Labs, Apr 2024; Results may vary
7 Source for Nvidia performance: Overview — tensorrt_llm documentation (nvidia.github.io), May 2024. Reported numbers are per GPU.
Intel Gaudi 3 projections by Habana Labs, April 2024; Results may vary
8 Based on total number of platform Tops on Lunar Lake vs. prior generation.