英特爾發表首款Intel Core Ultra桌上型AI PC處理器

Intel's keynote on Sept. 3 ahead of the IFA 2024 event will include the launch of new Core Ultra processors featuring breakthrough efficiency and unmatched AI performance. (Credit: Intel Corporation)
全新Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器提供卓越遊戲效能和業界領先運算能力,同時顯著降低桌上型電腦功耗
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英特爾今(10)日發表全新Intel® Core™ Ultra 200S系列處理器產品陣容,是專為桌上型電腦愛好者打造的首款AI PC,首度將AI PC功能帶入桌上型電腦平台。該產品系列由Intel® Core™ Ultra 9處理器285K所引領,共包括五款不鎖頻桌上型處理器。新一代處理器搭載高達8個最快速的新一代桌上型電腦效能核心(P-core)1,以及高達16個新一代效率核心(E-core),相較於上一代產品,這款處理器在多執行緒工作負載的整體效能提升高達14%2。此全新產品系列為首款搭載NPU的桌上型處理器3 ,內建XeGPU以及支援最先進媒體引擎。
全新Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器實現了英特爾長期耕耘的目標,在大幅降低功耗的同時,保持絕佳遊戲效能,並提供領先的運算能力。我們透過NPU實現的全新AI遊戲和創作功能,以及運用英特爾持續成長的繪圖產品組合所提供的領先媒體效能,進而提供更低溫、更安靜的使用者體驗。
憑藉最新的英特爾核心和效率創新技術,Intel Core Ultra 200S桌上型處理器實現顯著的功耗降低,在日常應用中4,功耗最多可降低58%;遊戲時最多則可降低165W系統功耗5 。與前一代產品相比,這款全新處理器系列結合了更佳的效率與效能,單執行緒效能提升高達6%6,多執行緒效能則提升高達14%2。
藉由CPU、GPU和NPU支援完整的AI功能,桌上型電腦愛好者可以獲得內容創作及遊戲所需的人工智慧和強大效能,同時降低能耗。透過Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器,英特爾首次將AI PC帶給桌上型電腦愛好者,相較於市面上的旗艦型處理器7,在支援AI的創作者應用程式中,其效能最高可提升50%。全新推出的NPU能夠分擔AI功能的工作負載,例如釋放獨立GPU以提高遊戲幀率、顯著降低AI工作負載的功耗,以及遊戲時支援人臉和手勢追蹤等無障礙使用案例,同時對效能的影響降至最低。
Intel Core Ultra 200S Series Processors Explained in 60 Seconds
全新Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器具備高達36 TOPS之平台效能,是英特爾首款且最佳的桌上型AI PC處理器。
- 完整桌上型電腦解決方案:Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器在AI以及內容創作方面提供優異效能,並打造身臨其境的遊戲體驗。與市面上旗艦型處理器8相比,遊戲效能提升高達28%。
- 全新Intel® 800系列晶片組:Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器的全新Intel 800系列晶片組擴充平台相容性,提供高達24個PCIe 4.0通道、8個SATA 3.0連接埠,以及10個USB 3.2連接埠,使桌上型電腦愛好者能夠充分利用最新的連線、儲存和其他技術。
- 超頻全面革新:Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器提供可精細控制的全新超頻功能,
P-core和E-core的最大渦輪加速頻率的微調粒度達16.6 MHz。最新的記憶體控制器支援快速、全新的XMP和CUDIMM DDR5記憶體,每個DIMM最高可支援48 GB,總容量高達192GB,Intel Extreme Tuning Utility也開始支援一鍵超頻的強化功能。 - 領先的連線能力:Intel Core Ultra 200S處理器配備20個CPU PCIe 5.0通道、4個CPU PCIe 4.0通道,並支援2個整合式ThunderboltTM 4連接埠、Wi-Fi 6E以及藍牙5.3。Intel® Killer™ Wi-Fi提供增強的無線效能,能夠透過應用程式優先進行自動偵測、頻寬分析與管理,以及Smart AP選擇與切換,實現流暢、身歷其境的線上遊戲體驗。
- 多引擎安全(Multi-Engine Security):Intel® Silicon Security Engine可協助維護機密資料與程式碼完整性,同時為嚴苛的AI工作負載維持高效能。
Intel Core Ultra 200S系列處理器將於2024年10月24日上市,透過線上、實體零售,以及OEM合作夥伴系統販售。
More Context:Intel Core Ultra Processors (Series 2) (Press Kit) |Intel Core Ultra Processors Launch Briefing (Press Deck) |Intel Core Ultra 200S series processors (Product Brief) |Intel Core Ultra 200S Video Presentation
The Small Print:
1Among x86 desktop processors targeting ~125W TDP, based on single thread/core performance benchmarks as compared against prior generation and competition processors, as of October 2024. See intel.com/PerformanceIndex for details.Results may vary.
2As measured by SPECrate®2017_int_base (n-copies) performance estimates on an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 285K vs. Intel® Core™ i9 processor 14900K. SPEC®, SPECrate® and SPEC CPU® are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. See http://www.spec.org/spec/trademarks.html for more information
3Among desktop processors targeting ~125W TDP, as of October 2024. AI features may require additional purchase or specific compatibility requirements. See intel.com/performanceindex for details.
4As measured by processor power during 1x1 Zoom call with background blur on NPU on an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 285K vs. Intel® Core™ i9 processor 14900K. Individual system results may vary as power and performance are affected by use, configuration and other factors.
5As measured by average system power while playing Warhammer: Space Marines 2 on an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 285K vs. Intel® Core™ i9 processor 14900K. Individual system results may vary as power and performance are affected by use, configuration and other factors.
6As measured by SPECrate®2017_int_base (n-copies) and SPECrate®2017_int_base (1-copy) performance estimates on an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 285K vs. Intel® Core™ i9 processor 14900K. SPEC®, SPECrate® and SPEC CPU® are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. See http://www.spec.org/spec/trademarks.html for more information
7As measured by Adobe After Effects AI Scene Edit Detection feature on an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 285K vs. AMD Ryzen™ 9 9950X.
8As measured by Total War: Warhammer III - Mirrors of Madness Benchmark on an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 285K vs. AMD Ryzen™ 9 9950X.
AI features may require software purchase, subscription or enablement by a software or platform provider, or may have specific configuration or compatibility requirements.Details at intel.com/AIPC. Results may vary.
Altering clock frequency or voltage may void any product warranties and reduce stability, security, performance, and life of the processor and other components.Check with system and component manufacturers for details.
Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors.Learn more at intel.com/PerformanceIndex.
Performance results are based on testing as of dates shown in configurations and may not reflect all publicly available updates.See backup for configuration details.No product or component can be absolutely secure.
Your costs and results may vary.
Intel technologies may require enabled hardware, software or service activation.