35 results
News 人工智慧A man in a suit holds up a small electronic component on stage, with a futuristic blue and white background. The scene suggests a technology presentation or conference.

加速實現AI無所不在 英特爾以新Xeon 6、Gaudi加速器和Lunar Lake架構重新定義運算、效能和經濟效益,強化AI PC領導地位


News 企業


News Intel FoundryTechnicians in protective clothing and pink helmets work on a large, complex machinery in a high-tech industrial setting, facing a wall of intricate pipes and components, with one operating a computer screen.


英特爾領先業界布署高數值孔徑極紫外光微影設備,持續於Intel 18A後 維持製程領導地位

News 人工智慧A person sits in a modern office at night, working on multiple computer screens displaying code. The room is dimly lit with reflections of city lights in the window, creating an atmosphere of focus and concentration.

英特爾攜手合作夥伴,助力AI PC創作新世代

運用AI PC最佳化工作流程和提升創作效率,釋放更多創作靈感與應用可能

News Intel FoundryA person wearing a cleanroom suit and glasses holds a round wafer inside a high-tech manufacturing facility. The background shows equipment and illuminated panels.

英特爾於Intel Foundry Direct Connect活動中宣布英特爾晶圓代工諮詢委員會成員


News Intel FoundryA person wearing protective gear and blue gloves holds a small electronic component, possibly a microchip, between their fingers. The background is blurred, indicating a laboratory or cleanroom environment.

英特爾提供全球首次專為 AI 時代設計的系統級晶圓代工服務


News UncategorizedBlue background with geometric shapes and the word intel in bold, white lowercase letters centered.

Intel Newsroom 檔案 2023

2023 年 Intel Newsroom 篇文章和新聞列表

News 人工智慧Intel Logo


Intel® Core™ Ultra、第5代Xeon®處理器擴展了英特爾的AI產品組合

News UncategorizedA person in a suit is speaking on stage at an event. The background displays the text intel innovation and Pat Gelsinger, Intel CEO. Colorful lines are visible beneath the text.

Intel Innovation Taipei 2023盛大登場 英特爾執行長基辛格領銜揭幕


News 新技術Blue background with geometric shapes and the word intel in bold, white lowercase letters centered.

Intel Newsroom 檔案 2022

2022 年 Intel Newsroom 篇文章和新聞列表

News 新技術Blue background with geometric shapes and the word intel in bold, white lowercase letters centered.

Intel Newsroom 檔案 2021

2021 年 Intel Newsroom 篇文章和新聞列表

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