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News Intel FoundryA technician with wafer doing testing

Intel Foundry、将来ノードに向けた革新的微細配線技術を発表

Intel Foundryの技術研究チームはIEDM 2024において将来のAI需要に応えるトランジスタとパッケージング技術における業界初の成果を公開

News Intel FoundryA close-up image of a silicon wafer displaying a spectrum of colors including red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. The surface is covered with intricate microchip patterns, demonstrating a grid-like texture.


Intel 18Aプロセス技術が確実に始動し、来年予定されている次世代クライアントPCおよびサーバー搭載チップの量産開始に向けて順調に進行中

News Intel FoundryTechnicians in protective clothing and pink helmets work on a large, complex machinery in a high-tech industrial setting, facing a wall of intricate pipes and components, with one operating a computer screen.

Intel Foundry 高NA EUVでチップ製造の新境地を開拓

業界に先駆けて高NA EUVを導入しIntel 18A以降の継続的なプロセス技術リーダーシップを可能に

News Intel FoundryA person wearing protective gear and blue gloves holds a small electronic component, possibly a microchip, between their fingers. The background is blurred, indicating a laboratory or cleanroom environment.

インテル AI時代を見据えた世界初のシステム・ファウンドリーを始動


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