Intel Leads the Way with Advanced Packaging

Newsroom Packaging
Once given little attention in chipmaking, packages are changing how chips are designed and created – and, ultimately, what chips can do.
The world’s most intricate and high-tech package is one you likely never see.
It’s a chip package inside a PC, server, phone, car or pretty much anything with silicon inside.
Intel’s advanced packaging technologies extend and drive Moore’s Law as the company aspires to a trillion transistors in a package by 2030. Intel has led the industry in advanced packaging for a couple decades. Its innovations include EMIB (embedded multi-die interconnect bridge) and Foveros, technologies that allow multiple chips on a package to be connected side by side (EMIB) or stacked on top of one another in a 3D fashion (Foveros).
“As Moore's Law has been progressing, traditional scaling has been slowing down,” says Ann Kelleher, executive vice president and general manager of Intel’s Technology Development. “But as we start doing advanced packaging and heterogeneous integration, it means we can pack a lot more components into a given package and a given product.”
Intel’s packaging technology is also a competitive advantage for Intel Foundry Services (IFS).
“From our Foundry customers, the feedback is, one, that we're a trusted technology company that has a proven track record in both of standard packaging and advanced packaging,” says Mark Gardner, senior director of Foundry Advanced Packaging with IFS. “And because we have such scale, we have a capacity and a geographic footprint that makes us much more diverse than some of the suppliers they work with today.”
Watch a video about how Intel is building the world’s most advanced packages.
Editor's Note: The video in this post was updated on Sept. 7, 2023, to remove B-roll that was unintentionally included in the original version.